Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Conclusion of summer... beginning of life....

Wow. I would say words cannot express my summer, but sense I am blogging it's sort of an oxymoron to say so. Seriously though, by far the best summer of my life. I woke up and got the pleasure of going to a little charter school downtown and occupy a room full of pure magic and bliss. I made so many friendships that will last a lifetime while doing what I love most, theatre. This group of very special people became my family, including the annoying siblings that deep down you love to death and these people are the ones who this blog is dedicated to. It's hard to believe that these people have so much talent but are so down to earth at the same time, its a beautiful thing. YES Company made me realize what it is to truly live and be happy. I don't think some of them will even realize the impact they have had on me. I don't ever want it to end. I never want to take it for granted. Everything that you guys said... from the invites to taco bell or yogurt mill that you probably thought nothing of, to the simple three words "I love you" that I constantly heard from your mouths.. none of it was overlooked and it actually meant the world to me.  Complete blessing from God. He had a purpose for me being in this production. God's timing... Can't beat it....

Thank you YES Company....... :)

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Light at the end of the tunnel...

To start off, I hope you guys had a fantastic fourth of july! I know mine was incredible. I know this is completely cheezy but those fireworks symbolized a lot for me. I've been through a lot of stuff these last couple years and just as it would settle down something would hit even harder. I lost and was rejected by very close people and the 'normal life of Kodi Mattox' was redefined. The fireworks signified that light that I have been waiting for at the end of the tunnel. Things aren't perfect but boy are they a heck of a lot better than where I have been. I am starting a new school, which I am extremely excited about! I've made some new friendships that will last a lifetime! I also am in the middle of YES company. This cast and this company... It is just spectacular! This experience is just the dessert after a long nasty entree. These past couple of years I walked through the halls of school and there was very few days where I was not called horrible names and judged and rejected. I am not saying all this to bash on a school because that's not right, our mouths are on us to say uplifting things. I am saying this because it is just astonishing and surreal to go to a place everyday where we all share a common energy, love. There is no judgement and no ridicule. There is no rejection or tearing down. We all just love each other and have so much unity regardless of what our beliefs, decisions, or views are. I personally think that is the underlying fact that makes YES company so amazing. Not the money, costumes, gallo, etc... just the experience of being there with these people and growing together into amazing beings. For once I can let my guard down 100% and just be... me. It's actually quite strange because every day I would put a wall up to protect myself from getting hurt. I've tried my best to put it into words but it really just does not do this feeling I have inside justice. So fellow cast members reading this... Once again... I LOVE YOU!!!! And to you other people... GET YOUR HAIRSPRAY TICKETS!!!!!!!!! or you can purchase them at the gallo for a much cheaper convenience fee.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

New Chapters (contd.)

Hey Everyone!

    I wanted to continue the start of my blog by explaining the story behind the title. So I am a dreamer, obviously, and I have found when you go through tough times dreaming is a great escape. People always tell me you just need to look at the positive things, but I have found that those only keep you living through those tough times. I want to thrive during all times of my life. I want to have the utmost peace during the times when I am balling my eyes out, without disregarding that feeling of pain because we still need to live that in order to grow. So I have learned and used dreaming as a sort of way to ignite something inside of yourself, something that gives you hope and life. It allows you to see something in front of you and takes your thoughts off of the present crud you are living in. It gives you something to look forward to and work towards. Even when your life is completely great and fantastic and it seems nothing is going wrong, dreaming is just going to take you to the next level while still being content with what you have. And this isn't just one of those random thoughts written down that someone is blabbing about thats never actually used it. I've been in the highs and lows of life and this plus God have been what has brought me this far. Don't forget to give your hopes and dreams to God though, because when you release the control and let him take care of it and follow the path he lays for you, everything works out more perfectly than you ever could of done yourself in a bagillion years! 

I have been casted as Mr. Pinky in Hairspray through YES Co. and I am SOOO excited! Hope to see you all at the performances at the Gallo Center of the Arts! Here is the link and get your tickets PRONTO they are selling VERY rapidly!

Until Next Time!
Mr. Pinky :)

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

New Chapters

Hello Everyone!
     I sort of had an epiphany and it popped into my head that I should start a blog. Why? 3 reasons.

#1) I live such a crazy life and if I don't write it down I am worried I will not remember some fantastic memories later on!

#2) It really is therapy for me to write out my thoughts and I get so annoyed writing it out by hand (I started a journal a few months ago.. yeah that lasted 3 days). It clarifies a lot and allows me to see things physically that I may have not seen and realized in this big ole' head of mine beforehand.

#3) It is a huge adventure to live in these size 13 shoes and I know/hope that people will get something out of it.

Throughout this blog I will be posting about my life and all of the side effects that come a long with it. My prayer is that you get something out of this. That you find something to connect to that will help you grow and in some cases, figure out that you are not alone. After all, that is one of the main purposes of life; to leave a testimony and legacy that people can look at to sharpen themselves, get on the correct path, and become the person they are called to be.
